THE CRAVE: Ramen burger


Ramen noodles serving as the bun of a burger? A completely insane idea. Yet when creator Keizo Shimamoto introduced his food mash-up at Smorgasburg in the summer of 2013, it became an instant hit.

I scoffed at the thought of ramen being a vehicle for a burger but I finally had the chance to try out the burger for myself. The verdict? Awesomesauce. At $9 for the original ramen burger and $10 for an addition of cheese, is it worth a try? I think so. There is a secret to how the ramen noodles stay together to form the buns and it surprisingly works.

Is it the best burger I’ve ever had? No but it sure did taste good. Check out Smorgasburg every weekend and Ramen Co. to get it!